Saturday, June 26, 2010
kyun rehta dil mein dard hai,
har dhadkan par lagata hai aahat hai uski,
na jaane yeh ehsaas kyun hai,
bebasi mein bhi khush ab rehta hai yeh dil,
khushi mein gum ka sahil hota hai yeh dil,
isey chaahat kahoon, ya kahoon isey pyaar,
rehta hai dil bekaraar,
karne mere humdum ka deedaar.
--Vineet 'The Bard'
Saturday, June 19, 2010
सुकून के दो पल एक पथिक की प्यास,
मंजिल है दूर पर पाने की आस,
थोडा है अभी पर कर रहा हां थोडे और की तलाश,
बस अब महक जाए ये गुलिस्तान सा जीवन न रहे बेसुध जैसे फूल पलाश।
-विनीत 'The Bard'
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
there's a thought I cannot resist,
a choice I've to make,
to live and let live or to die
and let them survive in the bliss of their kill,
or kill and walk away,
for the fall of the enemy is rise of me.
- Vineet 'The Bard'
Monday, June 14, 2010
The car and the Jar
together we traveled far so far,
in jar I kept the pennies,
yesterday it was empty,
but today the jar is full,
I'm so tired I need a red bull
and my car needs the fuel,
to our rescue came the pennies,
and now jar is empty,
yet again to be done full.
-Vineet 'The Bard'
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Tribute To Metallica!!
how Sad but True that Nothing else Matters to me,
I ride the Lightning like King Nothing,
I 'm Unforgiven for all my true lies,
I'm St. Anger pushed into fire of life,
trying too hard to Turn the Page to see The Day that Never Comes.
Wherever I Roam with Whiskey in the Jar,
I find No Leaf Clover but Fuel for pain.
and I Pray to One, the Master of the Puppets,
to save me from this Some Kind of Monster playing games of horror Untill it Sleeps,
my end is known so is my destiny,
but I will live on this world in thorns until I Disappear.
Long Live Rock!!
-Vineet 'The Bard'
Friday, June 11, 2010
That thing called CERTIFICATION...

It's been said, learned and what not that Life is an exam (I know they call it to be a test but let's go with exam for a while), it's a battle ground where everyone is playing to win but some have to lose and the end will be all the same for everyone, Death wins above us all.
May not be great opening lines for this entry but sure you will understand why I said all that. As a kid we all were told to write just one more exam and then we can go play have fun but all those years we had to write many many exams the count of which we simply don't remember now though there are a special few who can recall but I'm not the one keep that count, I sure do have bitter sweet memories of those days. So, back to the story when you have an exam to write tomorrow and there's a match (cricket, football, soccer, baseball..can be anything) that's about to start and then out of nowhere comes the thought about the exam, while some chose to say, Aaah! Screw it! but most of us ended up with books to read which made no sense back then and believe me you, it doesn't make any sense even today.
So, here I was after 18 years of exams in school and graduate degree looking for some fun with my life and learn more from it rather than just read to score, little did I know that there's more exams coming my way. I graduated to be an engineer and then chose a career that I wanted to (or may be not so much) started loving my job (snap!! Mistake again..never ever love thy job) but just like all the love stories which mostly fail to the test of times (I do wish that your's last forever and ever!) mine had to see and end as well. The end came with crappy policies that Idiots up high from some moronic-land were making not to help us in anyways rather to screw us just so much more.
Yes! It all happened at my JOB!
The policy brought with it the flood of horrors for all the people everyone who knew that his/her aim was to excel in profession or may be just pack big bags of money. The Policy brought with it EXAMS! code named as CERTIFICATIONS. I'm not against writing certifications or any sort of new learning, after all we learn, we apply and we prosper but what I don't like is all the enforcing part of it and then calling it a Company Policy.
Now, I've a Certification to write on Monday and I know one thing I don't feel like writing it but anyhow I will I certainly take a shot at it with a Aim to nail it and nail it I will. And once done with it I will have the same question for everyone writing or making us write this exam that what did we all achieve with this feat of passing the 'Certification'?
Got an exam to write,
got a bad bad fight,
got to do this right,
I will celebrate the win on Monday Night!! :)
Howzattt!!!! The COMPANY POLICY ????
-Vineet 'The Bard'